6 trends shaping the future of payments

Whether it’s the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, the startup revolution, or the Covid-19 pandemic, recent international events have seen the payments industry evolve faster than at any other time in the last century. The world after Covid-19 is ripe for innovation in the payments space, and here are six trends we at Nium see … Continued

3 ways infrastructure can change to better support payments innovation

The Covid-19 pandemic has irreversibly changed payment behaviours. The rise in digital payments and resulting facilitation of international transactions are undeniably good things, but without consistent, global infrastructure to support this shift, payment systems will lag, and businesses will lose money. Here are three ways infrastructure can change to catch up with the advances we’ve … Continued

How global regulation is changing the face of payments

With the unprecedented upheavals of the Covid-19 pandemic, the significance of digital financial services for individuals, businesses, and entire economies became more apparent and pressing than ever before. During the darkest days of 2020, digital payments were of near-existential importance for people around the world, and that forced governments to recognise that the regulatory frameworks … Continued

How embedded finance could take crypto into the mainstream

Today, the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies totals $2.19 trillion, making the asset class the world’s 8th largest economy by gross domestic product. However, at the same time cryptocurrency remains strangely invisible from consumers’ day-to-day lives, remaining the preserve of speculators and bitcoin miners. However, this may be about to change. One of the … Continued

The rise of embedded finance

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen a massive acceleration in the adoption of digital payments. In what McKinsey called “The Quickening,” US e-commerce penetration saw a decade’s growth in three months during the pandemic, instigating a sea change in how customers order, pay, and interact online. As more and more businesses and customers turn to digital … Continued

Four ways companies can make the most of embedded finance

In a digital-first economy, every firm that processes transactions have a financial services component as a part of its customer experience. Embedded finance provides the opportunity for companies to make this component of their customer experience as simple and engaging as possible, while increasing loyalty, retention, and spending. Instead of outsourcing payments to a third-party, … Continued

Four ways embedded finance can help businesses improve customer stickiness

When it comes to retaining and growing business, ‘stickiness’, or the ability to keep customers engaged with your service, both while using it and repeatedly over time, is essential. Customer stickiness helps you close more transactions by keeping them engaged, while an experience that keeps customers coming back raises their lifetime value significantly. Embedded finance … Continued